Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Brunch! @ John Eh's

so i've decided that my new favorite thing in life is sunday brunch, and therefore plan on going to many more sunday brunchs in the future so this is the second in a series of hopefully many more to come posts on the kingston brunch.  last sunday my two housemates (elle and jon) and i went to a really small restaurant called John Eh's (how perfectly appropriate for kingston). we actually had to wait for about 20 minutes before we could even sit down! the kitchen, which is completely open to the restaurant, has a large wooden oven in which they cook pretty much everything. and while we ordered breakfast food, i'm anxious to go back and order some of their pizza.  the food was alright; not entirely mind-blowing, but not bad. just a simple, some-what greasy bacon-and-egg breakfast, which honestly is exactly what we needed at that point.
after brunch we went to look at the antique market in the downtown square (wish i had taken some pictures, because there were some very interesting pieces. oh well. next time) and then rented a series of horror films to all cozy up on the coach at home and watch together. our movie viewing was interupted however by the first official snow fall in kingston! may i remind you that this happend on october 31st of all days...could it not at least have waited one more day? i only like my snow to start come november. anywho today has been a stressful one (thought my computer died thus imploding my world but it seems to be alright for the moment), so i'm going to drink some tea and relax a little.

elle appreciating the snow which you can't actually see in this photo, but i promise it was real
- J

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