Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Listen Up!: Jónsi

i was so excited to here that Jónsi, the front man of one of my all time favorite bands Sigur Rós was coming out with a solo album.  i've always been fascinated by the way Sigur Rós was able to capture the essence of Iceland through their expasive chords and Jónsi's soaring vocals.  however while Sigur Rós's music comes across as being very meloncholy and thoughtful, Jónsi amps up this same musical style with youthful insight. the music is still wonderfully epic in it's nature, but is approached from a completely new angle filled with hope and eager anticipation.  i've always admired him for his focus on the musical construction itself over everything else. in a world were the majority of artists fall back on the simple Pachelbel's Canon chord progression, it's so nice to see someone pushing the compositional boudaries of what pop music can actually sound like and experimenting with an array of instruments.  His solo album entitled Go is absolutely necessary for every music lover to here. You will not be disappointed.
You will like him if you like: Radiohead, Bjork, Frakkur, Mogwai
Why his is important: Jónsi is pushing the boundaries of what pop music is.  He explores the importance of musical composition over lyrics in communicating a message. He's infusing an already important band's style with more youthful energy making it relevant again for our generation of listeners.
Songs to listen to: "Go Do", "Animal Arithmetic", "Boy Lilikoi", "Sinking Friendships"

- J

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